
Life is always busy at Lucky Hedgehog Rescue, caring for and helping our spiky friends (hence we are always in need of more volunteers… hint, hint) but we are also aware that many people are interested in how our Hedgehogs are doing, and how they can help Hedgehogs themselves, so we have now launched our very own Hedgehog Newsletter to give you news and advice from the Hedgehog world.

To subscribe, just complete the Hedgehog News form opposite and click on the subscribe button to get your regular updates.


August excerpt…

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

We can only continue providing our service because of kind donations from caring people like you, plus all the help given by our wonderful volunteers.

“Our rescue is the heart, our volunteers are it’s veins… without you we simply cannot survive. Be proud to bear the title of volunteer”

To find out more about volunteering, please complete the form below.

Paddock Cottage, Grimston Lane, Grimston, East Yorkshire HU11 4QE

Call Us On: 07507791665