Hedgehog Advice
Follow our blog articles below to find out more about our prickly friends, their needs and the “do’s and dont’s” of feeding them.
As time goes on, we’ll tell you about making your garden Hedgehog friendly, making a safe place for them over winter, how to spot a poorly Hedgehog, what to do with it and where to take it, and much more from the world of Hedgehogs.
Hedgehogs are on the UK endangered “red list”… use this link to report your sightings: Report
No, not the pop group, but the hedgehogs favourite delicacy. Hedgehogs are insect eating machines so, if you’re a keen gardener, making your garden Hedgehog friendly is very much in your own interests…
Hedgehogs happily feast on insects and are often opportunist feeders although slugs & snails are their least favourite due to them being hosts of lung & fluke worms which kill them if left untreated… you help the Hedgehogs and they will repay you by keeping that pesky insect population under control without the need to use expensive (and harmful) pesticides.
Check out our Hedgehog & The Beetle article to find out how to build a beetle “house” (or Hedgehogs larder) in your garden.
Visit this link for more inspiration: Beetles
Finding Your Nearest Hedgehog Rescue Centre: Unlike many, Lucky Hedgehog Rescue is is available 24 hours a day but, if we are not near to you, there are many other Hedgehog Rescue Centres you can take poorly, injured or abandoned Hedgehogs to. Note: Click Here for...
First Aid
Signs of Illness: Seen in daylight. Lethargic. Wobbly. "Sunbathing". Coughing. Exposed and curled up. Raspy breath. Collapsed on its side. Limping or dragging a leg. Has Ticks (see below). Found entangled. Found in a pond/drain. Abandoned hoglet. Bleeding. Has flies...
12 Ways to Make your Garden Hedgehog Friendly: Hedgehogs can travel 2km in a night. Help and encourage them through gardens by providing 13cm access holes in fences and gates. Provide hibernation/shelter boxes filled with straw in shady parts of the garden, and...
Feeding Hedgehogs
HEDGEHOG & THE BEETLE: As we all know, our beloved Hedgehogs' future is under threat. But are you aware their main diet is Beetles, and that they too are also a declining species?There are over 4000 species of Beetle and are under threat for the same reasons...
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